General Rules of Ariane's Cup




1 - Ariane's cup contest is only organised for people working for Ariane launcher programs establishments, and their husband or wife. It is also for people working for European space programs, in function of boats availabilities.

2 - Traditionally the previous year winner is in charge of organizing the next one. If it is not possible, a company from the Ariane Program can take the job over. And if no one want to do it, OSCAR will do.
(OSCAR is an association whose aim is keeping the event going on every year).

3 - The organizer rents the boats and assigns them to each crew by lottery.

4 - The race results are determined according to the time to time handicap rules.

5 - In order to enjoy the fun of sailing and to keep a friendly way for that event, we ask the skippers to only accept as crew members, people who meet with article number one, with their husband or wife.
The organizers trust each skipper good will, but as this point is particularly stated in this regulation, any complaint on that subject will be fully investigated.
5.1 - To be clear: the presence of professional sailing in the crew is prohibited, as it is contrary to the spirit of the Ariane's Cup.

6 - The crews are gathered under the skipper's responsability. The skipper is free to decide, or not, to undertake the suggested races, depending on its own capabilities, and those of its crews, and according to the current weather conditions and the forecasted ones.

7 - Sailing has its risks and the organizers cannot be, in any case, taken as responsible for accidents, either by chance, material failure or bad crew training.

8 - The boats allowed to compete will be classified in two ways:
- by class according to their results in each race.
- a multi categories classification, for Ariane's cup trophy, will take into account the results of one or several undisclosed events, having or not a sport link.
They will be determined by the committee and published in the instruction for courses.

9 - That event takes place under the ISAF and the FFV rule responsibilities, as well as the present one regulation and the course instructions.

In addition, it is recalled that commercial, military and fishing shipping are priorities and that the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (International Convention of 1972) remain preponderant.

As the Ariane's Cup is essentially a festive event, careful navigation is recommended.
In order to encourage this frame of mind, the rule 14 of RSS 2005-2008 will be applied very strictly. Especially in case of damage ( damage beeing understoud as result of a collision needing declaration to the insurance of the charter company) or injury.
in case of doubt wether the right of way boat has act to avoid contact or not, it will be considered as she has not and she will be disqualified.

10 - Each skipper has the possibility to bear a private flag or sign during the race and at the harbour. However, the colors or shapes should not be abble to be confused with either a national flag, or an international code flag.
Its larger dimension will be less than 2 meters.
At the harbour, or at mooring, a flag or a sign bearing the logo and/or the name of the competing company is allowed.
But no other advertising sign will be permited, in particular no sticker on the hull.

11 - Rail numbers will be supplied by OSCAR, they will be placed at port and starboard of each competing boat.
nota : these rail numbers are OSCAR property, please do not forget to give them back to the organizer at the end of the event.
